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21-day Mountaineering expedition from Machu Picchu to Chachani (6,057m) in Peru

21-day Mountaineering expedition from Machu Picchu to Chachani (6,057m) in Peru
21-day Mountaineering expedition from Machu Picchu to Chachani (6,057m) in Peru
21-day Mountaineering expedition from Machu Picchu to Chachani (6,057m) in Peru
21-day Mountaineering expedition from Machu Picchu to Chachani (6,057m) in Peru

Quique, an IFMGA-certified local guide, takes you on this amazing 21-day trekking and mountaineering expedition in Peru, visiting Machu Picchu and climbing Nevado Chachani (6070m), discovering cultural treasures and spectacular landscapes.



21 Days

Aug - Oct




* Climb a 6000-meter peak in the Andes along a local certified guide

* Discover the amazing Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and magical Cusco

* Trek along stunning landscapes and remote villages


I invite you to join me on a once-in-a lifetime 21-day trip in Peru, discovering the Sacred Valley of the Incas and the amazing Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, enjoying a trek in Vilcanota, visiting the Titicaca Lake and the Uros islands in Arequipa and finishing with a mountaineering ascent to the Nevado Chachani summit (6070m).

This trip is perfect for those looking to combine a mountaineering adventure and a trek in the Andes with an exploration of the unique cultural treasures and history of Peru, walking through remote villages, discovering a unique traditional way of life and stunning landscapes.

We will meet in Lima, the capital city of Peru, and fly to the city of Cusco on the next day. We will take five days to visit two of the most magical places on the planet: the Sacred Valley of the Incas and the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu, an archaelogical jewel.

A train will take us to the small hamlet of Aguas Calientes, and after visiting Machu Picchu, we will leave for the fantastic 8-day Ausangate trek. Ausangate is the highest point in southeastern Peru, a beautiful peak that dominates the Vilcanota Mountain Range.

At the extreme north – west of the Cordillera de Vilcanota, the largest Andean celebration is held each year. The pilgrimage of Qoyllur R’itti is the meeting point of thousands of native people who come to pray to the Apu (sacred mountain) protector. Its glacier is considered one of the main tutelary deities among people of the southern Andes, and the whole massif is venerated by the Andean communities.  At the foot of the glacier there is a church, testimony of religious syncretism, very much present in the central Andes.

This trek will take us through the entire tour of Ausangate. The wild beauty that characterizes all this massive is striking: omnipresence of glacial peaks, lagoons in various colors and total isolation. This is a route reserved to the passionate trekkers, already acclimatized to the altitude (it includes passage of sections over 5000 m).

During our 21-day tour, we will also visit the Titicaca Lake and the unique Uros islands, discovering a unique way of life. You can check the day-by-day itinerary below.

Finally, we will climb the Nevado Chachani summit (6070m). Chachani is considered a relatively easy  6000-meter mountain to climb, as it  is a non-technical ascent. However, bear in mind you need to be in good shape and well acclimatized to altitude in order to enjoy the Ausangate trek and to reach the Chachami summit.

Are you ready for this unique adventure in Peru? Just send me a request and come discover Machu Picchu and the stunning Andes mountains.  If you don’t have much time, you could also take a look at my profile page and chek out other great treks in Peru.

Price includes

- Accommodation included

- Guiding fee

- Breakfast

- Lunch

- Dinner

- Transport during the trip

- Transportation start and back

- Permit and entrance fees

Price details

The price includes: Meals as indicated: B, L, D = breakfast, lunch, dinner -

Private transfer from airport to Lima Hotel and back -

Two Hotel nights in Lima, 3* star/double occupancy with breakfast -

Flight tickets from Lima Cuco and Arequipa IN – OUT -

Four nights in a hotel in Cusco or Puno, Areqipa double occupancy with breakfast - Mountain guide UIAGM and personal cook -

2-3 porters for Chachani (depending on number of participants) -

Donkeys & Donkey drivers (amount depends on the group size) -

All food during the expedition (good, healthy and varied food. Vegetarian options are available) ask for more information or if you have special dietary needs -

Private transport to/from Trail Heads to start/end each climb / trek -

All cooking equipment, social tent, bathroom tent, foldable chairs, etc -

Sleeping tents (4 season tents like Mountain Hardwear) depending on the necessity of the tour -

Entrance fee National Park Macchu Picchu. /// The price does not include:

Tips, insurance, international flight, drinks and meals in the cities.


Day 1: Lima

Airport reception. Transfer. Free time to visit Lima. Overnight at San Agustin Colonial or similar.

Day 2: Lima- Cusco (3400m)

Flight to Cusco. Historical capital of Peru, built on the foundations of the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, it is undoubtedly a testimony of architecture, urban planning and advanced socio-political organization.The afternoon is spent exploring the city center, where colonial churches and Spanish palaces are superimposed on the Inca walls; the Plazza de Armas, the cathedral and the convent of Santo Domingo built on the remains of Korincancha and the ancient temple of the Inca Sun. Around the city, visit the Saqsayhuaman Temple and its Cyclopean blocks; Qenko, important sanctuary with altars of sacrifice of llamas and alpacas, and buildings torn from limestone. Visit to Pucapucara, fort at the capital entrance which, thanks to its location, offers a beautiful view over the valley and peaks far away, and Tambomachay, the bath of the Inca, vestige of the glorious past of the Incas.Overnight at Munay Wasi hotel or similar

Day 3: Cusco (3350m) – Pisaq (3400m)- Ollantaytambo (2750m)

This site is unique in Peru for its majestic edification that dominates the Sacred Valley and from which the Incas controlled and dominated the Sacred Valley. This site will surprise you with its amazing terraces, fountains, neighborhoods, observatories and the largest cemetery in the region (nearly 10,000 people were buried here). The Sacred Valley is embedded between the high peaks of the Umbubamba mountain range and its plain unfolds a harmony of shades and transparencies of meadows and cultures, ranging from red to green, to the yellow of wild flowers and to the purple red of quinoa and quiwicha. Our day will continue with the descent to the colonial village of Pisaq (2900m) and a visit to the traditional market. We continue our route following Urubamba “The Sacred River”, we cross some picturesque villages that have preserved the traces of an imperial and prosperous past. At the end of the afternoon, we will end our day with a visit to the fortress of Ollantaytambo (2750m), a model of Inca urbanism: a singular Inca village of the fifteenth century, that remained almost unchanged since its creation. Our day will end in Ollantaytambo to take the train that will crisscross the Sacred Valley dominated by the pristine sumitt of La Veronica (5820m). Our train will run along the magnificent Urubamba Canyon and will bring us to Aguas Calientes (hot waters), at 2000m.- Altitude difference: – 200m (on foot) 2h walk

Day 4: Ollantaytambo-Maras – Moray – Aguas Calientes

We visit the salt mines of Maras and the archaeological site of Moray. The salines of Maras, about 48 km from Cusco, are thousands of pits to extract salt with the traditional method used by the Incas. The water that comes out of the mountain is warm and very salty, then it goes through irrigation channels that fill the pits. Then we will visit the archaeological site of Moray, a former huge laboratory for agricultureal experiments. They are circular terraces with a certain temperature at each level, and it is believed that the Incas experimented here before extending the cultivation of a certain food to the whole empire..Back to Ollantaytambo. – Transportation by train to Aguas Calientes.

Night at a hotel.

Day 5: Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu - Cusco

We get up early in the morning. Short bus ride to the famous Machu Picchu site, the 2450m “old summit”. You will discover this mysterious site, hung on the slopes of the mountain of the same name and located in the middle of a generous tropical vegetation, where tranquility is only disturbed by the sound of the Urubamba River. Discovered on July 24, 1911, by the American explorer Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu remains incontestably one of the pillars of the Inca architecture. Quarters, squares, royal houses, large agricultural areas, paths, observatories among others are the constituents of this master Inca work. We will have some free time to discover this unique site, the jewel of the Inca architecture. We will return by train to Ollantaytambo and then transfer by bus to Cusco.

Breakfast is included.

Day 6: Free Day - Cusco

Day 7: Cusco (3350 m) – Tinqui (3900 m) – Pacchanta (4338 m)

A private bus takes us to the south east of the city. Stop in the city of Urcos. Our route goes up to the Pilluyo pass from which we can already appreciate “Apu Ausangate”, guardian of the city of Cusco and all the villages of the region.We arrive at Ocongate, then we continue to finally arrive at Tinqui (3900 m). Meet with our team of muleteers (“arrieros”). Beginning of our adventure. Camp facing the Ausangate (6378 m) before going back to the hot springs of Pacchanta (4315 m), where we install our camp.

NB: private bus to Tinqui. 4 hours 30 walk. Altitude difference: + 480 meters. Night at camp. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 8: Pacchanta (4315 m) – de Jampa (5080 m). Huanohuano (4600 m)

We continue our adventure and we enter the region dominated by giants that exceed 6000m. Little by little we start to climb. We cross the beautiful Ccomercocha Lake (4580 m), with grandiose views of the beautiful cirque of glaciers: Quinsa Cruz (5960 m), Santa Catalina (5800 m) and Maria Huamantijlla (5300 m). We continue our superb trekking walking towards a bar of moraines that lead us to the pass of Jampa (4900 m). From here we admire the beautiful views of the Cordillera Vilcanota and its peaks: Puca Punta (5700 m), Collque Cruz (5960 m), Tres Picos (6093 m). Then we descend to Lake Ticllacocha (4850 m) and we continue to Huano Huano hamlet, which is the site of choice for our camp. 8 hours of walking (05 hours on the pass). Elevation gain: + 585 meters / – 300 meters. Night at the camp. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 9: Huanohuano (4600 m) – Quilleta (4715 m)

We find some shepherds’ houses as we continue in the Huanohuano Valley. We walk to Q’año, on a small plateau where we find a remarkable amount of alpacas and sheep. We then climb to the Q’año area where we have a wonderful view of Nevado Santa Catalina and the Q’ampa Valley. Finally, we continue on a regular mountain path to the small village of Quilleta, where we set up our camp, at 4790 m.3 hours of walking. Elevation: + 100 meters. Night at camp. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 10: Quilleta (4715 m) – Paso Condor (5230 m) – Sibinacocha (4950 m)

After a good breakfast, we start the day with a steady climb to the highest point of our route: the Condor Pass, located at 5250 m. We can enjoy the view of some wild vicuñas. We continue on a path that goes up again. From here we can see the mountain range. At the end of the day we descend regularly to our campsite, which is near Lake Sibinacocha at 4900 m. 7 hours of walking. Altitude difference: + 460 meters / – 350 meters. Night at the camp. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 11: Sibinacocha(4950 m) - Day off

Day off. Optional excursion around the lake. Meals: breakfast,  lunch and dinner.

Day 12: South of Laguna Sibinacocha 4950 m - Pass 5035m - Ccascana 4950 m

We leave early near Lake Sibinacocha, arriving at the small village of Yayamari. Crossing an imemse plain we see llamas, alpacas, with some luck it is possible to see vicuñas. We arrive at Ccascana Pass (5000 m) and we go down to Lake Ccascana, Here we will be surrounded by snowy peaks. Possibility of watching flamingos and Huallatas (wild geese).

7 hours of walking. Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 13: Ccascana - Phinaya – Represa Sibinacocha

Early in the morning  we leave Ccascana. You will walk about three and a half hours to reach Phinaya, a small Andean village where you will be greeted by its friendly inhabitants. This is where you will have lunch before setting up camp, close to the Represa Sibinacocha. 7 hours of walking time.

Day 14: Represa Sibinacocha(4900 m) – Puno (3812 m)

In the morning, we leave the mountains of the Vilcanota massif, by bus, to reach Puno (3812 m). Beautiful trail between mountains and altiplano. We pass the La Raya Pass (4338 m). We arrive in Juliaca (3900 m), commercial capital where is the largest alpaca wool market of the Altiplano. Arrival in Puno at Lake Titicaca, a real inland sea located between Peru and Bolivia.

NB: private bus to Puno (8h drive). Night at the hotel. Breakfast. Overnight at hotel Casona Plaza or similar.

Day 15: Puno- Uros- Taquile

Today you embark on a collective boat (group tour) to join the floating islands of the Uros, made entirely of totora (reed), moored to stakes avoiding drift and whose area varies from a few tens to a few hundred square meters. The inhabitants live on fishing, crafts, hunting, collecting eggs and selling them in Puno. You continue by boat to the island of Taquile, covered with terraced crops, where its people live a form of primitive communism as under the Incas. If the property is private, the work is collective: the 300 or so inhabitants work for them and one day for the community. Taquilé lives in a relative autarky, with the Inca principles of “do not steal, do not lie, do not falter”, customs that have remained identical for centuries. From the heights of the village, the view of the lake, the bay of Puno, Bolivia (Cordillera Real) in the mists and the Altiplano rewards all efforts. Back to Puno. Overnight at hotel Casona Plaza or similar.

Day 16: Puno- Sillustani – Chivay

Departure by bus to the funerary towers of Sillustani, crossing the mountain range and its spectacular and sparsely populated landscapes. Isolated villages and lakes are part of this magnificent landscape. Arrive in Chivay, in the valley of Colca Canyon. 7 hours drive. Overnight at hotel Colca inn or similar.

Day 17: Chivay- Cruz del Condor - Chivay

Early in the morning, we leave towards the Cruz del Condor (4000 m). There, the condors fly over the gigantic breach of a canyon, among the deepest in the world, approaching the 2500 m! Nice walk to Cabanaconde. In the afternoon, return to Chivay.

Day 18: *Extension: Chachani Ascent (6075m) /// Chivay 3652 m – Camp base du Chachani (5000m) – Camp 1 (5350m)

By bus, we leave Chivay and we go back to the Mirador de Volcanes pass, from where we will observe our end of journey challenge, the majestic Chachani. We continue to Base Camp (5000m). There we start a 2-hour climb to camp 1 (5100m), where we will spend the night before the assault of the summit the next day.Night in tents. Transport: private bus (3h)3 hours of walking. Elevation: + 350 meters.Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 19: Camp 1 (5350m) - CHACHANI ASCENT (6100m)- Arequipa (2400m)

Very early in the morning we gradually begin the ascent to the top of Chachani (5 to 6 hours). From the magnificent summit we enjoy a spectacular view over other summits of the of the volcanic mountain chain, the crater and the city of Arequipa. Then we go down to the base camp (3 hours) and then we continue to Arequipa.

Night in hotel.

Transport: private bus (3 hours). 9 hours of walking time. Altitude difference: +750 meters – 1100m.

Meals: Breakfast and lunch

Day 20: Arequipa - Lima

Flight to Lima. Night at a hotel. Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 21: Lima - Transfer to the airport


About the guide

Guide profile image




Mountain Guide

IFMGA/UIAGM - AGMP Mountain Guide from Perú.

I began my mountain work when I was 18 years old as cook and carrier (porter) and I am now a Mountain Guide UIAGM – AGMP.

1998: I studied French at the Alliance Française in Cusco.
2000: I was accepted at the Don Bosco School for Guides of the Andes through the intermediary of the Italian volunteers of the Operazione Matto Grosso, technical support of the Association of the Mountain Guides of Peru.
2005: I passed my diploma as Mountain Guide UIAGM-AGMP. Climbing in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
2008-2011: Extra training as a Guide in Italy.
Since 2011, I have been Secretary of the of Peruvian Mountain Guides Association.
2013: Guiding in Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Illinizas.
2014: Climbing to Utah, Usa.
2015: Exploring trip in Cordillera Central, close to Lima, Perú.

I speak French, Italian and English fluently. For more than 12 years I have been organizing and managing trekking, mountaineering in Peru and expeditions to the Aconcagua since 2007.

Contact me if you are interested in doing a mountain trip to Peru!


Italian | French | English



What people are saying about Explore-Share



Climbing with guide Guillaume was absolutely a highlight of my 2-week Europe vacation. Originally, we were planning on climbing in the Calanques, but the park was closed due to wind and fire danger. Guillaume chose another amazing location (Pic de Bretagne) based on my climbing abilities and preferences and kindly offered train station pick-up and hotel drop off, which I appreciated very much. The multi-pitch route we did was not only fun but also the right amount of challenge, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The communication from the team (Gauthier) was prompt and clear—highly recommend!



Luis Silva was a great climbing guide and belayer! He taught me how to do moves that were difficult and encouraged me to try routes that were challenging for me! Because of his encouragement, I managed to complete these routes! I really enjoyed the climbs and completed 8 routes in the Sesimbra/Azoia area. The weather was perfect, no direct sun and cool enough to enjoy the climbs. Explore-Share made booking an outdoor climbing experience in Lisbon extremely easy. Luis, our guide, was fantastic, and the platform’s organization was flawless.



You’re simply the best!!! :))) Explore-Share made everything easy and stress-free. Will definitely use again.



We had Léo as a guide for our day climb in Fonty. We were blessed with a knowledgeable, warm, and instructive guide. Communication with Léo and Ivan was smooth and swift. Explore-Share was excellent in arranging everything for our day climb. The communication was quick, and the platform was easy to use, making our adventure stress-free.



Patrick was a great guide. He took us on an intermediate Via Ferrata at Passo Sella. Renato was quick to respond with any outreach on the Explore-Share platform. The booking process was straightforward, and once Patrick was confirmed, all went well. It was a wonderful experience, and I’d highly recommend the platform.




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