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Recorrido de Senderismo en Pasochoa, Ecuador



Recorrido de Senderismo en Pasochoa, Ecuador | undefined

Únete a Edgar, un guía de montaña certificado por la IFMGA, en este recorrido de senderismo de 1 día en Pasochoa. ¡Una escapada perfecta para experimentar las hermosas tierras altas ecuatorianas!

1 Día

Todo el año


Recorrido de Senderismo en Pasochoa es tu oportunidad para hacer una rápida escapada de 1 día desde Quito, y disfrutar de los hermosos alrededores y las increíbles vistas desde su cumbre!

Dado que el Volcán Pasochoa está ubicado muy cerca de Quito, hacia el sureste, este es un viaje perfecto para hacer en un día. Este cráter extinto es hoy un Santuario de Vida Silvestre. También es parte de las Áreas Protegidas Nacionales Ecuatorianas, con un área de 500 ha.

Así que este Recorrido de Senderismo en Pasachoa te llevará a su cumbre a 4200 m. Por lo tanto, podrás avistar las increíbles cumbres nevadas de Antisana, Cayambe, Illinizas y Cotopaxi. ¡E incluso, si el día está claro, la gran cumbre de Chimborazo hará su aparición en el lejano sur!

El viaje comenzará temprano en la mañana. Te recogeré en Quito y conduciré durante una hora a través de las tierras altas andinas. El sendero comenzará a 3300 m. y empezaremos a caminar a través de un hermoso bosque andino primario. Esta primera parte del camino es ideal para la observación de aves. ¡Veremos muchos colibríes exóticos!

Una vez que subamos más, te llevaré a través de una cresta cubierta por un bosque profundo. Esta es una característica hermosa porque no ha habido intervención humana. Por lo tanto, se conserva muy bien. Poco después, llegaremos a la cumbre a 4230 m. Así que todo el viaje durará alrededor de 6 horas. Y te dejaré de vuelta en Quito a última hora de la tarde.

Por favor, contáctame para hacer este Recorrido de Senderismo en Pasochoa realidad! Y si tienes algo más en mente, puedes revisar algunos de mis otros viajes: Trekking Cotopaxi o Trekking del Cóndor.

El precio incluye

  • Tarifa de guía
  • Desayuno
  • Almuerzo
  • Cena
  • Transporte de ida y vuelta
  • Permisos y tarifas de entrada

Punto de encuentro



Más información

Los mejores meses para estos viajes: diciembre-enero y junio-julio.

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

UIAGM/IFMGA-ASEGUIM Mountain Guide from Ecuador.

I am a mountain guide, but also a passionate traveler, climber in rock and ice, and photographer. I spend my free time and holidays exploring new destinations, discovering new mountains and cultures.

I have more than 17 years of experience climbing mountains and volcanoes not only in Ecuador, but also in other South American countries such as Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, and in the Alps in Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. I also summited KhanTengri peak in the Himalayas, and Mt. McKinley in Alaska. This experiences prepared me to lead expeditions in challenging routes all around the world.

I studied 6 years of Tourism in the University, and followed ASEGUIM courses to become a mountain guide. I’ve also been evaluated by ENSA, and completed first aid courses in the Ecuadorian Red Cross.

I like guiding people from all around the world, and help them discover and enjoy the mountains, while reaching their objectives. I speak Spanish, English, German, Italian, and a bit of Russian.


Ruso | Italiano | Alemán | Inglés



Lo que la gente dice sobre Explore-Share


Climbing with guide Guillaume was absolutely a highlight of my 2-week Europe vacation. Originally, we were planning on climbing in the Calanques, but the park was closed due to wind and fire danger. Guillaume chose another amazing location (Pic de Bretagne) based on my climbing abilities and preferences and kindly offered train station pick-up and hotel drop off, which I appreciated very much. The multi-pitch route we did was not only fun but also the right amount of challenge, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The communication from the team (Gauthier) was prompt and clear—highly recommend!


Luis Silva was a great climbing guide and belayer! He taught me how to do moves that were difficult and encouraged me to try routes that were challenging for me! Because of his encouragement, I managed to complete these routes! I really enjoyed the climbs and completed 8 routes in the Sesimbra/Azoia area. The weather was perfect, no direct sun and cool enough to enjoy the climbs. Explore-Share made booking an outdoor climbing experience in Lisbon extremely easy. Luis, our guide, was fantastic, and the platform’s organization was flawless.


You’re simply the best!!! :))) Explore-Share made everything easy and stress-free. Will definitely use again.


We had Léo as a guide for our day climb in Fonty. We were blessed with a knowledgeable, warm, and instructive guide. Communication with Léo and Ivan was smooth and swift. Explore-Share was excellent in arranging everything for our day climb. The communication was quick, and the platform was easy to use, making our adventure stress-free.


Patrick was a great guide. He took us on an intermediate Via Ferrata at Passo Sella. Renato was quick to respond with any outreach on the Explore-Share platform. The booking process was straightforward, and once Patrick was confirmed, all went well. It was a wonderful experience, and I’d highly recommend the platform.




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